Fruits & Berries Plants

Albion Strawberries - Day Neutral Strawberry Plants - Everbearing
Albion Strawberries – Day Neutral Strawberry Plants – Everbearing
If you love eating fresh fruits & berries then you need some fruit bearing plants growing in your backyard garden. No matter how big your property is you can grow fresh fruit in your home garden. Some fruit & berry plants you can grow are strawberry, blueberry and raspberry plants. These fruit & berry plants are also the most popular to grow for its lovely delicious fruit it provides. Most importantly they provide a harvest of fresh fruits & berries year after year as they are a perennial. Plant fruit bearing plants and enjoy them for years to come!

Vegetable Seeds Canada offers several varieties of day neutral strawberry plants and everbearing raspberry plants as well. We have Albion strawberry plants, Seascape strawberry plants and everbearing Heritage raspberry plants for sale. We’ll be adding more strawberry & raspberry plant varieties in the near future. You can buy fruit & berry plants such as bareroot strawberry plants and raspberry plants online on sale right here. Please see pre-booking strawberry plants for more information. We offer a high quality plants at competitive pricing. Whether your looking at growing strawberries or raspberries in your backyard vegetable garden, on your patio in containers, on a farm or in a greenhouse, we can help supply you the fruit & berry plants you need.

So if you’re looking to buy fruit & berry plants online in Canada, we’re the place to shop. We’re here to help you grow all kinds of fruits & vegetables in your garden for you and your family. Browse our selection of fruits & berries plants varieties below. Be sure to also check out our vegetable seeds, herb seeds, fruit seeds, flower seeds and pond plant seeds too while you’re here. Happy gardening!

Showing 1–16 of 19 results