Sub Arctic Plenty Tomato Seeds


Sub Arctic Tomato seeds is a cold hardy, heirloom determinate tomato plant variety that produces sweet and flavourful 2 oz. red cherry tomatoes. A popular variety for its ability to grow well in Northern climates. An extremely early tomato plant variety. Ready to harvest in just 50 days.

Determinate variety, Heirloom, Open pollinated, Non GMO.

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Sub Arctic Plenty Tomato Seeds - Heirloom - Open-Pollinated - Determinate | Vegetable Seeds Canada
Sub Arctic Plenty Tomato Seeds - Heirloom - Open-Pollinated - Determinate | Vegetable Seeds Canada
Sub Arctic Tomato seeds is an extremely early determinate tomato plant variety that was developed in Canada. As history states it was developed in the 1940's to be able to provide fresh tomatoes to military troops stationed over in Greenland. It was created for its unique ability to grow in cold climates and set fruit under cool growing conditions. This tomato variety produces high yields of small red tomatoes that average about 2 oz. and has an excellent rich flavour. These easy to grow hardy bush tomato plants grow very well in Northern climates. Ready to harvest in just 50 days.

Dr. Robert E. Harris of the Beaverlodge Research Station in Alberta, Canada developed the Sub Arctic Heirloom Tomato variety. In 1971 it was donated to the United States Department of Agriculture.

Determinate tomato plant variety, Heirloom, Open Pollinated, Non GMO



Start your Sub Arctic Plenty tomato plants indoors 6-8 weeks before your last frost. Plant your tomato seeds 1/4" deep in your seed starting tray flats, cells or peat pots. Keep the temperature at 70-75 degrees F until germination. Be sure to provide adequate lighting for germination and for growing by placing the growing trays near a sunny window or using a grow light. As your seedlings begin to grow you will consequently need to transplant them into individual pots to grow more strongly rooted plants.

A week before transplanting the seedlings outside you need to begin to harden off the plants. They need to get used to the outside weather gradually. Tomatoes cannot handle cold weather. To be safe wait at least a week or two after the final frost to be on the safe side before transplanting your tomato plants in the vegetable garden. Soil temperature should be at least 70 degrees F before planting. Your Sub Arctic Plenty tomato plants should also be planted in full sun, very rich soil and be spaced 24" apart with about 36" between rows.


When growing Sub Arctic Plenty Tomatoes staking or a trellis is not required as this is a determinate variety. Determinate or bush type tomatoes do not require staking. If however you'd like to offer your tomato plants additional support in high windy areas you can do so if you choose. It can be therefore beneficial to provide staking or tomato cages. Simply tie off your tomato plants to the stake with twine or use tomato clips. The supports should also be put into place in advance. As your tomato plants begin to grow further you’ll then have something to tie the vines too.

If cool weather is expected protect your plants as temperatures below 55 degrees F can damage plants & production. Later on as your tomato plants begin to start flowering and starting to bear fruit, your support will be able to help hold the weight of all the tomatoes.

As with most vegetable plants a good layer of mulch is highly recommended as this will help conserve moisture and control weeds. When watering your tomato plants avoid getting the leaves wet as this helps keep your plants healthy. You should always water at the base of the plant to help keep your tomato plants healthy from various pests and diseases. Water from below not above.


The colour of the tomatoes will help indicate that your tomatoes are ready to harvest. You can also test the ripeness of your tomatoes by pressing gently on it, the flesh should yield slightly. You can harvest your tomatoes by hand or use a pair of scissors to cut them off the vine. Tomatoes ripened off the vine have the best flavour. Sub Arctic Plenty tomatoes are ready to harvest in just 50 days.

Buy Sub Arctic Plenty Tomato Seeds Today!

Try growing your own Sub Arctic Plenty tomato plants from seeds!

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